Get to know Christy
Meet Christy Roberts, Self Directed Healing Practitioner, and Senior Trainer.
In the blink of an eye, Christy’s life changed forever. The grief and heartache after losing her son in a tragic accident is the drive behind her journey to facilitate healing and transform the lives of others.
Christy openly shares her story, wisdom, and experience to help others navigate through their deep emotional journeys to find more peace, love, joy, and freedom.
We are proud to have Christy as part of the team.
We asked Christy to go deep and answer a few questions so that you can get to know the amazing woman, Practitioner, and Trainer that she is, as she shares her insights.
“Becoming an SDH trainer is a powerful pathway to making a difference on a larger scale.”
What does healing mean to you?
Healing means to restore health and wellbeing so that we can become the best versions of ourselves. Healing can be emotional, mental, physical and spiritual.
What’s the biggest misconception about healing?
In Australia we have the 2nd highest rate in the world for prescribing medications for depression and anxiety. This is not okay and it’s alarming, especially when there are other options available, like SDH, that are completely natural, that work, that are fast and empower you to heal yourself.
How did you first hear about SDH and what attracted you to the modality?
I discovered SDH while working at a Wellbeing Festival. Claire facilitated a session called ‘How to Heal Yourself’. I was blown away by the process and the audiences reaction. It was quite remarkable, seeing such deep emotional healing and transformations occur in such a short amount of time.
The very next morning my gorgeous, cheeky, fun loving, 18 year old son Aaron died in a car accident. The grief I experienced was overwhelmingly devastating. The emotional, mental and spiritual pain was so intense, that it quickly escalated into strong physical symptoms. I was not in a good state.
SDH was the only modality I felt could help me quickly and naturally. I did a session with Claire, the Founder and it quite literally shifted all the physical pain I was feeling and left me in a much better state both emotionally and mentally. It was a massive step in understanding what is truly possible in the human body.
I was so impressed and knew beyond a doubt this is what I needed to do. I signed up and became a practitioner so that I could share this incredible modality with others and help them heal too.
What inspired you to go even further and become a trainer?
My background is Human Resources, Learning and Organisational Development. As a Mindset and Results Coach, I was already facilitating workshops and educating others.
My goal and purpose is to help and heal thousands of people around the world, so that they can live their best lives, in spite of the many challenges life can throw at us.
Becoming an SDH trainer is a powerful pathway to making a difference on a larger scale.
What advice would you give anyone thinking about becoming a trainer?
If you’re passionate about SDH and have training experience, then this is an incredible opportunity to be at the forefront of a revolutionary healing modality. The world needs us.
I’d also say this is a commitment and requires time, study and practice.
When you train others, you deepen your own knowledge and experience and very quickly become an expert. The personal growth and profile is a fabulous benefit.
What advice would you give someone who already is an alternative medicine practitioner or life coach to how SDH can improve their current service offering?
I was already working as a Life Coach and Results Coach when I was introduced to SDH. Adding SDH has taken my service offerings to a very high level. It gives me a unique competitive advantage and my clients love it because I get great results combining the modalities.
How do you handle a client who is very triggered?
Our triggers are the map to our pain, so I am very curious about them. I never shy away from a client who is triggered, instead I welcome triggers and explore them. I offer a calm, confident space and encourage delving into the trigger to identify what emotions and limiting beliefs are behind it. My goal is to find the root cause of the trigger.
Then I use the SDH Emotional Release technique where we feel the emotion or belief in our physical body, intensify it, and energetically guide them through releasing it.
What tips can you give to ensure you are not fostering the emotions of others after a session?
It’s important to understand that it’s their pain, not yours. I am very black and white in this. In a session I can intuitively sit in the client’s energy and I know this is not my own pain, it’s theirs.
It’s similar to watching a dramatic movie. I can watch the movie, and feel the pain, but I don’t take it on. Once the movie is finished I move on and let it go.
If you are someone who takes on others pain, I’d recommend getting another practitioner to work with you and do some healing around this to build the skill.
What was your first break through with SDH?
There are so many, but I’d say the first was removing a large portion of the physical pain I was experiencing after my son suddenly died.
Describe SDH in 3 words?
Revolutionary, Powerful and FAST
Have you tried other modalities? what stood out the most with SDH?
Yes - I have been on my personal growth journey for many years. What stands out the most with SDH is how effective and fast it is – IT WORKS. We don’t shy away from pain and we are here to deal with the root cause of problems, not the presenting symptom.
What is one piece of advice you always give your client or participants of the practitioner training?
That our bodies talk to us, we need to tune in, listen and feel. Everything we need is already within us.
How would you best prepare for practitioner training?
I always endeavour to set myself up for success. The practitioner training is an intensive 3 days. I pre prepare nutritious meals so I can maximise breaks, while keeping my energy and focus up. I clear my diary and other distractions, and I make sure I will not be interrupted.
I also keep my evenings simple so that I can chill out, unwind, conserve my energy and process the day’s activity.
What has been your biggest hurdle?
My biggest hurdle has unquestionably been coping with the grief of my son’s unexpected and sudden death, while building a business during COVID. SDH has been a gift and a key element, in my healing journey, to finding my passion, my purpose and meaning in my life.
Now I use my biggest hurdle and my faith in the SDH modality to change peoples lives and empower them to heal themselves. This is the best way I can honor my love for my son and continue to build his legacy.
Your biggest achievement?
I have received a number of awards and formal recognition in my career, including a Leadership Development Award and a Local Government Excellence Award. However, my biggest achievement is being Mum to my two gorgeous kids, Adele and Aaron.
What advice would you give someone considering SDH Practitioner Training?
Trust your intuition. If you feel you have an inner calling to heal, don’t ignore it. Believe in yourself, back yourself, sign up and we will show you how.
The investment in time and money is nothing compared to how much you will grow and how much this will potentially change your life and the lives of many others.
Where do you see yourself and SDH in 5 years?
It’s my destiny to heal emotional pain on this earth and empower people to live the life they were destined to live. In 5 years, I envisage I will be speaking on the world stage, have authored a book, and impacting thousands of people to live their best life. It’s also my intention to take SDH into workplaces.
The world is discovering SDH and how effective it is. As a result we are in rapid expansion. The thought of 5 years from now, is truly exciting. I envisage we’ll have a good number of trainers around the world teaching SDH in different languages. I also envisage we’ll have thousands of Practitioners worldwide.
It’s incredibly rewarding to be at the forefront of shifting societal awareness around emotional wellness and healing and teaching a modality that gets results and works.
Join Christy in our next Practitioner Training Masterclass