Whats so super about the SUPERCONSCIOUS?
Your superconscious mind is where our creativity and serenity resides. It informs how we energetically react with the world around us. Innovative ideas come from the domain of the superconsciousness. It is the connection between our body, our mind, and our energetic centre. Our superconscious exists at a level beyond our space/time continuum. Very profound work is required to penetrate our superconscious for lasting change.
The superconscious is where you develop a meta understanding of yourself, others and everything around you, including your sense of purpose. It gives you a perspective that means that every decision you make along your business leadership journey is an opportunity to develop every dimension of yourself. So it’s translating the linear into the non-linear understanding of self. This means your choices, and their results, are anchored in enduring and fulfilling change.
How can I be fulfilled when I don’t know the entirety of me? The superconscious offers full appreciation of every dimension of self.
Working on your superconscious translates into a more relaxed corporate space because the self is not compartmentalised into a work/home dichotomy or separation. That revelation of the whole self leads to increased authenticity which has a correlation with lasting success.
Working with the superconsious also increases overall willpower. In other words the power inherent in your choices and decisions is more formidable and determined, and capable of making sustained change. Working with the superconsious also gives you more windows of opportunity and inspiration because you are working with the whole self, and that lack of repression enables decisions to come from a more integrated place of truth.
When you are working with the superconscious you are not operating with the fear of rejection because the whole self is present in your corporate life. Imagine bringing your best game to your leadership capabilities, knowing you are bringing the (often untapped) very best you have?