1 - 31
You have scored in between 0 – 31
This means that you are on the right track but there is room for growth.
You have recognised your innate abilities and have a strong desire to help others however there is work to be done for you to reach your potential and enjoy .
Your results indicate that you
have recognised that you have innate abilities but you haven’t worked out how to use them to the best of your ability yet.
Are able to get results for your clients but they are not always long lasting.
You want to help others but you may be limited in what you can deliver
you work with at least one area of the client (body/mind/emotion/energy but need to work with more than one to really get the results you want.
You may find dealing with heavy motions a little daunting and could benefit from exploring this area more.
There is always room to improve, and the opportunity to find something that resonates with you and empowers you to not only relieve others of years of suffering and pain but also drive a more holistic approach to your sessions. Our experience has shown that by adding a few fundamental skills to your current tool set you can begin to achieve, rapid, sustainable results.
By learning how to help clients to navigate through the root cause of their blocks, emotionally as well as mentally and physically you can achieve deeper longer lasting results.
Measuring before and after results in every session will also enable you and your clients to see exactly what they have achieved and enable you to see where more can be done.
It is possible to bridge the gap between your desire to help others and having a structured approach that means better more consistent results for you and your clients.
What we have seen!
Self Directed Healing is a modality that will give you a better understanding of how to identify, prioritise and clear the root cause of the clients issues to achieve specific outcomes instead of general ones. Instead of working on symptoms you can take clients deeper and transform barriers such as limiting beliefs, addictions, and other sabotaging patterns that enable your client to achieve and maintain revolutionary results..
32 - 88
Great work, you have scored between 34 and 66 out of 100. You know how to help your clients achieve the results they want. You have a natural ability mixed with a strong desire to help others and you know you are in the right place however you have not yet hit your potential, there is more you can do for your clients and there is opportunity for you to feel a lot more fulfilled in your client sessions.
Your results indicate that you:
- Get results but they are not always consistent.
- May take several sessions to achieve the desired results
- When you do get the results they may not be long lasting
- You may know how to cope with clients who are deeply emotional but it is not your strength.
Our experience has shown that if you work on different areas of a person (conscious, subconscious, superconscious, physical and energetic rather than just one or two (for example coaching is only working on the mental, massage only on the physical) you can achieve fast longer lasting results.
It might be time for you to consider adding these different aspects into your client work, this can be done very easily as some modalities teach you how to work on all areas at once.
Most clients are time poor and want to get as much value out of each session as possible so adding in modalities that cover all areas will give you an advantage and keep clients coming back.
Measuring before and after results in every session will also enable you and your clients to see exactly what's shifting and what's not, so that you can see what needs the most attention for pinpointed focus.
Being able to identify and determine a clients subconscious limiting beliefs and enable them to release the repressed emotion in the body consciously can really speed up the healing process and enable the client to reach a state of clarity very quickly.
What we have seen.
Modalities life Self Directed Healing are a great accompaniment to other healing and coaching practices as they are quick to learn and easy to deliver. They enable the practitioner to work faster and achieve a lot more in one client session. They are especially good for emotional processing and allow the client to effectively feel and release emotions from the mind and the body to alleviate stress and worry instantly.
Well, done! You have scored in the top 33%
You are a natural and have harnessed your innate abilities very well. Congratulations you are really making a difference.
Your results indicate that you
Know how to get the results that clients want-
You are efficient and know how to work on more than one layer of a clientS
Emotions don’t scare you, you are comfortable with clients who struggle to process them
You are able to go deep with clients to help uncover core issues.
Given your results you are getting closer to reaching your potential and experiencing extremely powerful results with clients.
There is always room for improvement and even though you are ahead of the pack you can achieve even better results by adding new approaches and tools to your toolkit.
Emotions are the key to even better results, learning to guide clients into and through their emotions means that their minds will clear quickly and their capacity to process mentally will increase dramatically. Focusing on emotions rather than mental processing will also mean that clients self resolve more
Introduce formal self testing as opposed to practitioner based testing is a great way to ensure the results are felt and assessed by the client so all your good work is recognised.
At Inspirited we use Self Directed Healing to enable faster longer lasting results as it works on all level and enables the client to fully process emotions that have been trapped or stored in their body releasing unwanted limiting beliefs and unnecessary suffering. Our experience tells us that it is possible to get long lasting results in one client session every time.
88 - 129
High Score
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