Heal yourself and others.
Join the revolution.

"Self Directed Healing will make talk therapy obsolete its revolutionary.
-Stef Cirramon

Claire Besley CEO & Founder and her team of SDH Practitioners are on a mission to raise awareness about the importance of emotional health and its impacts on the mind and body

Self Directed Healing is a simple, fast, and measurable process that identifies the root cause and shifts deep blocks that enable one to achieve and sustain emotional health and well-being.

Counting Up Numbers

Number of SDH Practitioners worldwide:

400 +

Number of languages SDH is practiced in:

0 +

Number of SDH healing sessions each year:

30,000 +

The unique Self Directed Healing process has been taught in educational and corporate workplaces Australia-wide and has rapidly spread across the globe to empower people of all ages and walks of life to step into their true potential.

Interested in joining the team and training as an SDH Practitioner?

The Power of Self Directed Healing Short Course

Exclusive On-demand video course.
Deep dive introductory into the revolutionary approach of Self Directed Healing (SDH) and unlock the power to guide your own healing journey.

  • 6 video modules with Claire M Besley

  • Bonus material & resources

  • Practical steps for emotional mastery

Self Directed Healing Practitioner Training

Limited places available*

  • Get certified as an SDH Practitioner

  • 3 Day Online Live Training

  • Master 10 powerful modules

  • Receive and participate in a live healing.